Monday, May 16, 2016

New video on deck Passive Income With Credit Cards | You Won't believe how

How To Create Passive Income with Credit Cards

Whats good folks its yah boy DeVaughn
Back again with another video and Today

We are continuing our video series on
Passive income and how to use it and make it

So today I want to talk about
using credit cards for passive income.
I know it sounds crazy and I must be smoking crack but....

You actually can use credit cards for passive income
Now its alot of cards out there that you can use
But the stipulations that they have on cash back is crazy

They'll say things like get cash back for air line tickets
or something you don't purchase often which is annoying
because you have to know what to purchase to get cash back.

Well I don't know if you seen those commercialss with
Samuel l Jackson and the Capital One card
but with those cards you can actually get
1.5% cash back on anything you purchase

I'm talking about literally anything
gas, gifts, groceries. There is no limit to what you can purchase
and you still get cash back.

Now I know 1.5% doesn't sound like much but if you were to spend
$4000 on your credit card
you would get $60 back

The crazy thing and what I think is the best thing
Is the fact that you can use that cash back to pay your monthly bill

I know how this card works because I actually have one
and no I'm not getting paid a commission if you go to the site and get one
this is just me putting you up on game
Thats so you can learn how to make more money now without
having to put more work in.

You can also use your cash back for other investments and starting a business.
Its a beautiful thing when you think about getting passive income
for purchases.

So don't sleep on this technique especially if your a avid credit card user.
Thanks for watching and next Monday I'll be coming with another Passive income video
For my wealthbuilderz series.

Just for watching this video I want to give you a free gift
That will help you start a online business from scratch for free!!
No investment required..its all on me!!

Subscribe to my youtube channel
and other social media sites in the description.
Until next time its yah boy DeVaughn signing off for Passive Income with Credit Cards

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