Friday, March 24, 2017

Tai Lopez | Why Do We Hate Tai Lopez

Why Do People Hate Tai Lopez?

Whats up Wealthbuilderz?

It's yah boy DeVaughn

back again with another video

and today we are talking about

Tai Lopez and do you hate him.

So lets go!!

Alright folks today its a lil different

We are going to talk about Tai Lopez

and why people hate him?

Before we begin don't forget to subscribe to the channel

and like this video

Okay so lets break down real quick

Who is Tai Lopez

He's a online marketer and entrepreneur.

If you follow his clues then you can have success.

He's not a scam artist or anything like that

It's like most people seem to hate success

and when you hate successful people then

your going to hate people like Tai Lopez

because he's successful

Its obvious.

The thing is he markets informational products

he markets books and he markets himself

So if your online marketer like myself

then you should be looking at what Tai Lopez

is doing and using his success as a tool.

I checked out his new product SMMA

Its a way to actually get certified as a Social Media Marketer

and start your own Social Media Marketing Agency

using notthing but a laptop and a smart phone.

Now lets be real you probably could go and start

a social media marketing agency yourself

without buying this course

but would you have all the knowledge to do so

or would you need to do all the research yourself

and then go and execute that research

Just maybe you wouldn't have the success

because it might not be the right way to go about it?

Or should you go ahead and sign up for Tai Lopez's

SMMA program and really learn how to build a social media marketing agency

having small business pay you anywhere between $1,000 - $5000 a month just to build their business?

I would do the second option and sign up to his course and really learn how to do it

and make some real money from my marketing skills. I did it and I already know how to market.

Just to say I have a social media marketing certification

and my own agency is priceless.

So click the link below and learn more about

Tai Lopez's Social Media marketing agency course

Its yah boy DeVaughn signing off for Why Do We Hate Tai Lopez So Much?

Like this video and subscribe to the channel

And do remember Wealthbuilderz

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