Tuesday, June 28, 2016

How Much Money Does Myka Stauffer Make From Youtube

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Its yah boy DeVaughn back again with another video

And today we are talking about

How Much money does Myka Stauffer Make on Youtube

I stumbled upon Myk Stauffer and her channel a couple days ago

After she posted a video about how much money she makes on youtube

So since this channel is all about building wealth through online marketing

I figured I'd take a look.

So in the video she gives a back story on how she got started

and why she got started making youtube videos in the first place

She also goes on to explain how much you make in the beginning of starting a youtube channel

Like you can't just come on youtube and expect to make a living with video ads

They hardly pay you much until you start building a subscriber list

and getting good amount of views.

So how much does Myka Stauffer make from Youtube

Well from her youtube ads she makes about $1300 per month on the low end

And $1200 from sponsors on the low end.

So you would say a low end ball park figure of about $2500 a month

This is not change your life income but it can help you invest

in other forms of change your life income.

So what do you do if your just starting a channel and you want to make money?

There are a few different options.

You could sign up for affiliate networks like Amazon

Create a blog and funnel traffic there

You could create t shirts... wear them in your videos

and have a link in your description to purchase them

There are a ton of different ways you can use your early traffic of your channel

to make money before you start to have ad income

What if you still don't know what to do to make money on Youtube?

Well you can click the link below and get a free marketing system

that will help you build a six figure income all online.

Until next time its yah boy DeVaughn signing off for How much does Myka Stauffer Make From Youtube

Subscribe to my channel, hit like and share...peace!

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