Monday, April 10, 2017

Is Making Money Online A Scam?

Is Making Money Online A Scam?

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Whats good wealthbuilderz Its Yah Boy DeVaughn

back again with another video

and today we are answering the question

is making money online a scam?

so lets go!!

Ok this is a great question

is making money online a scam

well before I answer this question

go ahead and subscribe to my channel for more videos

every Monday Wednesday and Friday

we talk about alot of different topics

so definitely subscribe!

now with that being said lets get back to the topic

is making money online a scam?

of course its not!!

Making money online is truly a blessing

that can change your life

It can give you financial freedom that you've never imagined

Now lets not get it twisted there are some scams out there

actually there are few different scams out there

but lets really break down what a scam is....

A scam is the exchange of money without receiving any goods in return.

Usually its over hyped and they are pretty much

saying if you give us a certain amount of money then you will get paid

which is a scam and actually illegal

There are 3 ways you know your being scammed when it comes to making money online

1. They ask you to buy something or put your money up without telling you

what your getting.

This is a definite red flag. What ever you buy needs to actually benefit you

and not just them.

2. There is no real product or service.

If your just giving your money in hopes of someone else down the line

doing the same without any exchange of goods or service then my friend thats a scam

3. The Promise Of Fast cash with no work or effort.

This is a definite no no. If someone tells you your going to make

money so fast your nose is going to bleed or your bank is going to call you

then you know they are trying to steal your money and scam you.

Those are my top 3 ways to know your getting scammed

But to be honest there is alot of legit companies out there

that can really help you make tons of money online

without scamming people. Without being a sleeze bucket or anything like that.

I personally have a trully legit way to make money online

If you want to learn my way of making money online and generating life changing income

Click the link below and get my free e book and learn how to make

serious income all online.

Thanks for watching my video and answering the question

is making money online a scam?

Until next time its yah boy DeVaughn

The wealth builder signing off for IS Making Money Online A Scam!

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