Wednesday, July 20, 2016

5 Reason's Why Most Don't Become Wealthy

Free Marketing System

5 Reasons Most Don't Become Wealthy My Thoughts

Whats good folks its yah boy DeVaughn

back again with another video

And today we are talking about why most people don't become wealthy

Don't forget to stick around to the end of the video

for your special gift.


I want to start this off by saying I'm not wealthy

but I'm on the road to becoming wealthy

After disecting this topic

I really realized why I haven't become wealthy yet,

I guess sometimes you have to recognize why your not

getting the results you want to reach your goals in life.

So with that being said lets dissect

What are the 5 reasons most don't become wealthy

1. The people your around don't allow you to see wealth

This can be true in all phases of life

If your parents were broke or had bad money habits

Then most likely you will do the same

2. We have a microwave mentality

What I mean by this is

You think that money and wealth happen over night

Well it doesn't

There is a process that everyone has to go through

before he or she become's wealthy

3. You Didn't Make A Commitment To Becoming Wealthy

Your commitment to the process and the outcome

is all in the same

You can't get a job unless you commit to the job

The same thing when your talking about being wealthy

4. Don't wait

Waiting for the right time or right financial status

will never help you become wealthy.

You'll just be waiting

5. Learn the art of consistency

To become wealthy you have to keep pushing

rome wasn't built in a day.

Neither was wealth

No matter what the day brings keep building

These are the reasons most don't become wealthy

And I can actually see my main flaw is consistency

I'm not consistent enough but I'm learning to be

Thanks for watching

I would greatly appreciate you leaving a comment

and letting me know what your flaws are in the

5 reasons most don't become wealthy

If you have another reason to add to the list

then leave that in the comments

Don't be a stranger

Like my video and share

oh before I forget

Do you want to learn how I'm building serious

income all online by using a FREE marketing system?

Click the link below.

Until next time its yah boy signing off for

The 5 reasons most people don't be come wealthy.

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