Friday, May 20, 2016

How To Stay Motivated and Work Harder - 4 Steps

How to stay motivated and work harder

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back again with another video

And today I wanna talk about being motivated

But not just simple motivation

But actually learning how to work harder

I know its hard to be motivated every single day

Because not everyday is the same

Sometimes your emotions and feelings don't let you be motivate

or work harder....

So I want to discuss 4 ways to work harder and stay motivated

These are actually the 4 ways I keep my self motivated no bull shit

1. Increase your why

Everyday I think about the things that I want in the near future

and how I can help the people around me financially if I make more money

This is Something my brain can actually believe in

I know people want you to focus on being rich

but if your dirt poor right now your brain is not going to believe it can be done

So if your brain doesn't believe it truly deep down in your soul then you won't either

Instead of wishing for a million dollars or being rich

Increase your why with thinking about if you become financially free

Your kids can have a better life

If you have no kids maybe think about your parents and how you could help them

if you made more money. Let other people you care about be your motivation.

2. Turn your passion into profits.

I know its easier said then done

but if you don't have a passion for something then you won't be good at it as all

Your passion is something you can do and talk about everyday

without getting bored.

3. Rent Yourself out

I thought this was weird when I first came across the term rent yourself out

But think of it like this when you renting yourself out

its like your body is going through the motions of something you have to do

but don't neccasserily want to do.

Its like when you go to a job you despise or know is not your ultimate goal

you tend to be depressed and hum drum

But what you should do is rent yourself out

Be there mentally going through the motions but don't be there mentally

4. Set yourself up for success.

Stop putting youself into situation you know aren't going to help to your goals

You can do simple things like if your trying to get to the gym

put your gym bag in your car at night

So its already there for you after work

Cause you know if you go home before going to gym after your work day is over

most likely you won't make it

Or maybe if your goal is to start a business online

to stay consistent at it maybe you put your laptop right next to you at night

so you will force yourself to get busy

Its all sorts of ways to stay notivated and work harder

You have to do it though no one can force you into doing things you know have to be done

I hope this helps you out

Watch this video whenever you need to be inspired

Subscribe to my youtube channel

Also check out this great book I came across that helped me stay motivated

Its a great read

its called Developing the Qualities of Success (How to Stay Motivated Book 1)

By Zig Zagler

The link is in the description. Go ahead and get that

Unti next time its yah boy DeVaughn signing off for How to Work Harder And Stay Motivated

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