Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Passive Income Doing Small Tasks Online
Earn Passive Income Doing Small Tasks Online
With These Sites
Slice The Pie
Give Your Opinion and get paid for it
Get paid to look at websites and watch videos
Get paid to do small tasks
Swag Bucks
Get free gift cards to popular websites
for completing tasks online
Free Marketing System
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A great Vintage Clothing site
Earn Passive Income Doing Small Tasks Online
Whats good folks its yah boy DeVaughn
back again with another video
So today I want to talk about building
a Passive income online while doing small tasks online
And getting paid to do it!!
I know this might sound like a weird idea to some
And some of you might just really want to do this
but don't know how.
So this method of passive income will take you
putting some time in but
Its not like working at a job or anything like that
Its actually doing small things like searching the web
Watching videos and playing games
You can also earn passive income from
looking at websites
Listening to music and giving your opinion on it
Plus you can even do this with fashion
Lets get this straight this is not life changing income
But at the end of the month a extra $100 - $200 won't hurt you
What I used to do and still do is... use the money
I make from these sites 3 sites I'm about to share with you
I would use this money for online advertising of my bigger
paying affiliate programs.
So it just becomes a big money cycle.
No more wondering where your going to get your advertising budget from
You build the budget online and then spend it on advertising
Never having to come out of your other income streams
Like that job you hate so much.
Or you can use this money you make to reinvest
in passive income that you don't even have to touch
Like prosper.com which is a peer to peer lending site
I got into that in another which is also in this description.
The 4 sites I use for passive income
Are in the description below.
This money is so easy you will say to yourself why didn't you do this before
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Automated Income Websites Review Is It Worth Your Time
Automated Income Websites Review
Free Marketing System
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A great Vintage Clothing site
Whats good guys its yah boy DeVaughn
Back again with another video
And today we are going to review
Automated Income Websites
Its a product thats going to be released to the public soon
So I figured I'd give you some insight
on whats its about and if its worth your time to even check it out
So what is Automated Income Websites
Automated Income Websites is a product
Created out of the fact that most people are lazy
And rather have things done for them no matter what
This includes making money online
Because most people want it done fast
And mostly done for them
Here goes Automated Income Machines
The truly done for you system.
You'll get your site built and hosted for you.
There is even a way to automate your traffic
This is totally an no hands bar approach to making money online
So go check Automated Income Webistes if this interests you
The link is in the description and Automated Income Websites
will be released June 1 2016
If not, you can check out my free marketing system
its my gift just for watching and I hope you use it to its full capabilities
Until next time its yah boy DeVaughn
signing off for Automated Income Websites
All my links are in the description
Subscribe to my youtube channel for product reviews, inspiration videos, and learning how to build wealth online.
Monday, May 23, 2016
How To Create Passive Income With Index Funds
Free Marketing System
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A great Vintage Clothing site
Whats good its yah boy DeVaughn
Back again with another video
And today we are back at it talking about creating passive income
Yes you know that elusive term that everyone wants but
Doesn't know how to achieve it exactly
Well I can tell you from my experience creating passive income with index funds
Is one of ..if not the easiest ways of making your money work for you.
If you don't know what a index fund is its a type of mutual fund that provide you
with a way to invest in the stock market that is completely passive.
For example, if you invest money in an index fund that is based on the S&P 500 Index,
you will be invested in the general market,
without having to concern yourself with choosing investments,
rebalancing your portfolio,
or knowing when to sell or buy individual companies.
All that will be handled by the fund which will base
the fund portfolio on the makeup of the underlying index.
Basically its like buying a bunch of different stocks
under one umbrella. You don't have to worry about just one stock
because usally the group of stocks will out perform just buying one
This is a great way to get passive income for beginners
And more experienced investors looking to diversify income
There are alot of different ways to invest in index funds
but I recommend the easiest way possible which is this app called stash
or stashinvest.com
Everything is broken down easily and the app is FREE for the first three months
and only a $1 per month after that
This app lets u get started with only five bucks
And you don't have to be some investment guru to use it either
The interface is easy and well put together
Plus it gives you advice on what index funds to invest in depending what your goals are
So do yourself a favor and check out the site
and let me know what you think in the comments below
Also subscribe to my youtube channel
Plus just for watching this video
I want to give you a free gift
The link is in the description
Friday, May 20, 2016
How To Stay Motivated and Work Harder - 4 Steps
How to stay motivated and work harder
Free Marketing System
Connect with me on social media
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Other Websites
A great Vintage Clothing site
Whats good its yah boy DeVaughn
back again with another video
And today I wanna talk about being motivated
But not just simple motivation
But actually learning how to work harder
I know its hard to be motivated every single day
Because not everyday is the same
Sometimes your emotions and feelings don't let you be motivate
or work harder....
So I want to discuss 4 ways to work harder and stay motivated
These are actually the 4 ways I keep my self motivated no bull shit
1. Increase your why
Everyday I think about the things that I want in the near future
and how I can help the people around me financially if I make more money
This is Something my brain can actually believe in
I know people want you to focus on being rich
but if your dirt poor right now your brain is not going to believe it can be done
So if your brain doesn't believe it truly deep down in your soul then you won't either
Instead of wishing for a million dollars or being rich
Increase your why with thinking about if you become financially free
Your kids can have a better life
If you have no kids maybe think about your parents and how you could help them
if you made more money. Let other people you care about be your motivation.
2. Turn your passion into profits.
I know its easier said then done
but if you don't have a passion for something then you won't be good at it as all
Your passion is something you can do and talk about everyday
without getting bored.
3. Rent Yourself out
I thought this was weird when I first came across the term rent yourself out
But think of it like this when you renting yourself out
its like your body is going through the motions of something you have to do
but don't neccasserily want to do.
Its like when you go to a job you despise or know is not your ultimate goal
you tend to be depressed and hum drum
But what you should do is rent yourself out
Be there mentally going through the motions but don't be there mentally
4. Set yourself up for success.
Stop putting youself into situation you know aren't going to help to your goals
You can do simple things like if your trying to get to the gym
put your gym bag in your car at night
So its already there for you after work
Cause you know if you go home before going to gym after your work day is over
most likely you won't make it
Or maybe if your goal is to start a business online
to stay consistent at it maybe you put your laptop right next to you at night
so you will force yourself to get busy
Its all sorts of ways to stay notivated and work harder
You have to do it though no one can force you into doing things you know have to be done
I hope this helps you out
Watch this video whenever you need to be inspired
Subscribe to my youtube channel
Also check out this great book I came across that helped me stay motivated
Its a great read
its called Developing the Qualities of Success (How to Stay Motivated Book 1)
By Zig Zagler
The link is in the description. Go ahead and get that
Unti next time its yah boy DeVaughn signing off for How to Work Harder And Stay Motivated
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
MCA The BMW Of Roadside Assitance
MCA The BMW Of Roadside Assistance
Other sites
Whats good its yah boy DeVaughn
back again with another video and today
I want to talk to you about MCA
But I want to address some comments some people are saying on the internet
or social media
They are saying things like MCA cost to much
The pricing is over the amount other towing companies charge me
and other nonsense
First and foremost once you know the value of the service
then you'll understand why it costs what it costs to be a member of MCA
Second of all its like comparing Honda to a BMW
Or a Toyota to a Mercedez Benz
They all do the same thing essentially but which would you rather drive
Which would you rather be in?
Thats exactly what I mean about MCA being the BMW of Roadside assistance.
The amount of services you get from MCA is ridicoulous
compared to the price of $40 you must be out of your mind if you think you
can get all the benefits of MCA for a cost lower the $40 somewhere else
And to be frank with you.... You can actually start at a lower price point
with MCA if you choose to and still get some great benefits.
So don't fall for the okey doke with these other roadside assistance companies
If you want a real benefit package and have the security of knowing your good if something
happens while out on the road or at home you need to join MCA
And stop worrying about the nay sayers.
Plus if you choose to you can share the service with your associates
and friends to make a extra income.
Click the link in the description
Monday, May 16, 2016
New video on deck Passive Income With Credit Cards | You Won't believe how
How To Create Passive Income with Credit Cards
Whats good folks its yah boy DeVaughn
Back again with another video and Today
We are continuing our video series on
Passive income and how to use it and make it
So today I want to talk about
using credit cards for passive income.
I know it sounds crazy and I must be smoking crack but....
You actually can use credit cards for passive income
Now its alot of cards out there that you can use
But the stipulations that they have on cash back is crazy
They'll say things like get cash back for air line tickets
or something you don't purchase often which is annoying
because you have to know what to purchase to get cash back.
Well I don't know if you seen those commercialss with
Samuel l Jackson and the Capital One card
but with those cards you can actually get
1.5% cash back on anything you purchase
I'm talking about literally anything
gas, gifts, groceries. There is no limit to what you can purchase
and you still get cash back.
Now I know 1.5% doesn't sound like much but if you were to spend
$4000 on your credit card
you would get $60 back
The crazy thing and what I think is the best thing
Is the fact that you can use that cash back to pay your monthly bill
I know how this card works because I actually have one
and no I'm not getting paid a commission if you go to the site and get one
this is just me putting you up on game
Thats so you can learn how to make more money now without
having to put more work in.
You can also use your cash back for other investments and starting a business.
Its a beautiful thing when you think about getting passive income
for purchases.
So don't sleep on this technique especially if your a avid credit card user.
Thanks for watching and next Monday I'll be coming with another Passive income video
For my wealthbuilderz series.
Just for watching this video I want to give you a free gift
That will help you start a online business from scratch for free!!
No investment required..its all on me!!
Subscribe to my youtube channel
and other social media sites in the description.
Until next time its yah boy DeVaughn signing off for Passive Income with Credit Cards
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Friday, May 13, 2016
How To Achieve Goals In Record Time
Free Marketing system
To help you build your business
Learn to build your own roadside assistance business
Social media connection
Whats up its yah boy DeVaughn
back again wih another video
And today we are talking about
how to acheive goals
When it comes to goals
it can be alot of things that pull you away
Family, friends, associates and business
can all distract you from getting to your goals
The question is how can you stay on task?
Write your goals down
and read them daily
Whenever you read your goals its like reminding your
subconcious that these are your goals
and you will start to figure out ways to achieve your goals
Because there is nothing more annoying then get off task
Not completing the goals you set for yourself and others
can actually destroy your confidence
Once you start to lose your confidence
then it can effect everything else.
So lets recap when it comes to goals
All you need to do is write them down once
And then everyday read them
When you read them your actually getting your subconcious to push you
towards accomplishing those goals.
You can even do this multiple times a day
to help you even more.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Novea Review | My Thoughts.....Is it Worth Your Time?
Novae Review
Whats good its yah boy DeVaughn back again with another video
and today we are going to have a Novae Review
Yup here we go back to business
I'm going to give you insight on Novae what there product line entails
and help you make your decision on joining.
Cause if you decided to watch this video then this might before you
or it might not
In way shape or form am I an affiliate of the company
This Novae review is my own personal view on what research I've done
Novae is a category creator... thats what they call themselves
Because they claim to creat there own space in the membership club economy
They offer a lifestyle membership that helps people enhance their lives
Members receive so called VIP benefits from brands and companies most relevant to enhancing your lifestyle
Novae has been around since December 2014
Based out of Conyers GA
So what does Novae sell?
The list of products are
Financial Managemnt
Novae perks
personal growth
Identity theft protection
and a bunch of other things
Now how do you make money with Novae
You first join the Novae University
From there you would become a certified lifestyle consultant
My opinion on the marketable ness of this company
To me this business opportunity would be a hard sell
I wouldn't join Novae because that fact and that fact alone
Again in no way shape form am I an affiliate of Novae
This is just a review of the company and business opportunity
To further your education on this company you check out the website
or get a rep of the company
Now just for watching this video I want to give you a free gift
That will help you build your business online
It a free marketing system.
Click the link below and get started today.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
U Want Passive Income Start With This.....
Site I use http://prosper.com
Check out this site to build multiple streams of income
Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it. The American Internal Revenue Service categorizes income into three broad types, active income, passive income, and portfolio income.
Whats up folks its yah boy DeVaughn back again with another video
And today I want to start a video serious about Passive income
I know alot of folks are looking for passive income and don't know where to start
Some don't know what passive income is and want information about it
So I'm here to help you out yah dig?
What is passive income?
Its basically a way to make income from doing something one time
and reaping the benefits from it almost on autopilot.
Over and over again
No having a job is not your passive income.
Now its alot of different ways to generate passive income
So I'm going to start a web series of passive income possibilities
And you can decide which ones are right for you.
Some of them I've done and some of these passive income opportunities
Are just a great idea
So lets talk about lending clubs today as passive income possibilities
Now back in the day this was once called having a loan shark
But now its called lending clubs
There are a few different lending clubs online
But I personally use prosper.com
This site is good to me and has returned my money
What your doing is investing your money into a crowd funded loan
People of all different backgrounds apply for these type of loans daily
You have different catagory's to choose from when investing into a loan
You can choose from low risk to higher risk loans
The risk level is based off the credit rating of the person requesting the loan
These folks are screened by prosper.com and not by you
So all you have to do is choose your risk level you want to invest in
You read up on the loan requester reasons for requesting the loan
And if you like what you read. You put your money in.
The lowest amount you can invest is $25 so the cost to get started is really low
So you don't have to be all scared if you lose a lil bit of money.
So if your looking for some passive income then prosper.com is where its at.
Click the link in my description and start getting your passive income cash flow started asap.
Subscribe to my channel to get more videos like this.
Friday, May 6, 2016
MCA Benefits What Are They And Why You Should Join
Whats up folks its yah boy DeVaughn
back again with another video
And today I want to talk about
The Top 5 MCA Benefits and why you should join MCA
Okay so what are the benefits of join MCA
Its alot of different benefits to joining MCA
So instead of me going into detais of all the MCA benefits
I'm going to hit you with my top 5 benefits
Number 1 benefit of MCA is the 100 mile unlimited towing
This is the conerstone of the MCA Towing service
You can get towed daily for 100 miles at no extra cost
unlike those other guys who only let you get 4 tows a year
Number 2. The travel discounts are comparable to those other
travel companies so no need to have another travel program to use
Number 3. If you ever had a run in with the law
and needed help getting bailed out then MCA can assist you in that too
Number 4. Auto rental discounts are some of the lowest out there
and being the fact I like to rent cars
I use this benfit often
Number 5 should've been number one to me but the Credit card protection
You can never be too safe with all this identity theft going on
its good to have that extra protection with you.
So why should you join MCA?
Because in today's crazy world you want to be protected
You want to make sure your family is protected too
Plus.... you can make an extra income from by just promoting MCA Benefits to other people
You can make any where between $80 t0 $90 per sale just by presenting the service to others
onnline and offline
Click the link in my description and sign up for the benefits and or the work from home business opportunity
The great thing about is you can be a customer or become self employed or both. Its up to you.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Why Join MCA Motor Club Of America With Me
Why join Motor Club of America with me
Well besides the fact that Motor club of america
is a great company and has great benefits and provides great service
to its motor club members
You should join me in motor club of america
because I actually help you get ahead.
I will help you put your business on autopilot
Almost as soon as you get started with me in motor club of america
You don't want to have to chase new people to sign up under you
And I will show you how to market your business
Where to market your business
Who to market your road side assistance business to
Without always chasing people like a needy lil baby
If you treat this like a true business then you will see results
like a true business.
It doesn't matter if you want to market online or offline
It can be done you just need to know how and the steps needed to take
to build your business. In the direction you want to build it in.
So you can say you will have me riding with you for atleast 30 days
To help you get this business going.
You will get access to my facebook group
Where I provide most of my tips and information.
I keep my team updated on all the new methods of marketing
and making money with MCA Motor Club of America.
So your not just joining me but your joining a team of marketers
Committed to helping eachother build a thriving business.
So clikc the below today and get your $500 worth of bonuses
just for joining me in MCA Motor Club of America today!!
Sunday, May 1, 2016
31 Mother's Day Gifts 2016 The Ultimate List
In this blog I'm ing to give you 50 gifts that you can give mom this year.
Some of them are going to be generic but some will actually be something you haven't thought about.
Your mom has held you down all her life so its definitely time to give her something for Mother's Day she can cherish for more then just a day.
So lets get into it
The top 50 gifts you should have for mom on Mother's day
1. Stocks would be my number one choice for your Mom this Mother's Day. Its a gift that will keep on giving. I recommend Tradeking.com
2. This is the great way to make sure mom keeps it clean this Mother's Day. A Oral B Electric Tooth Brush
3. A Road side assistance membership for Mother's Day. This is a great way to make sure she is safe cause you never know what can happen out there on the road now a day's. Find out more information here.
4. Get facial cleaning Biore products
5. Make sure she stays beautiful with these products On Mother's Day
6. Having some financial trouble then you should check out these Mother's Day deals
7. Is your mom a gardener then some gardening tools
8. You can never go wrong with a gift card. Check out these great gift cards here
9. Mom's love candles and these wax oil candles
10. Is she a Great Grandma? Then this frame would be awesome for her. Check it out here
11. Does your Mom drink coffee and sometimes Tea? then this might be a great gift
French Press Coffee & Tea Maker
12. So if you answered the question of your Mom being into gardening and your still reading this list then this might be best gift yet. A Bonsai tree kit
13. A Kindle would be great for mom. She would love you dearly because this a gift that will keep giving. Get it here.
14. Edible arrangements is not a gift that you can use over and over again but its yummy!!
15. Or you can check out Sherries Berries
16. Get a Convertible Cross body bag
17. This might be for the younger mom on your list for Mother's Day. A Picnic bag
18. This one is a personalized gift for those who loves their mother in law. I'm not going to tell you what it is just know its really simple and nice. Click here
19. If you live close to water a Cloud 9 cruise would be great for mom. Go to Clou9living.com
20. Bomb your mom in the bath with these great Bath Bombs. Its A Great Gift For Mother's Day.
21. Three piece sterling silver Russian Matryoshka for Mothers and Daughters Pendant Necklace. This a great gift. Get it here
22. You ever head of wine soaps me either but this is a great product to get for the mom in your life. Check out these wine soaps here
23. Is your Mom the creative type then this DIY Lip Balm Kit would work for her
24. A personalized make up mirror engraved for free. Get it
25. Does your Mom exercise then this is a great gift especially if its hard for her to stay on track its called the Misfit flash link
Does she cook? I know its a crazy question on Mother's Day but some women don't cook and some aren't great cooks. Then there are Mom's Out there who really throw down in the kitchen and these next five gifts are for them.
26. A Crock pot but not just any Crock pot. Its a multi functional Crock pot
27. Another great product is the Kuhn Rikon Swiss Pull Chop
28. How about some top notch cookware as a gift? Like I said if she throws down in the kitchen then this is worth a looksie. Get it here
29. Does she like to mix and back then this Mixer should be on your list. Chef mixer
30. This is What A Cool Mother Looks Like apron. Easy gift for any mom
31. This last gift is a obvious one get her flowers. Hey cause they always work. Get em here
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