1. At least three grams of weed
And if you were to add that to what you were already planning to spend on bud,
it could go even further! Can you think of a better way to spend your money?
I could for sure...
2. 38 items on the dollar menu
Remember taxes.
3. A nice sushi dinner for one
And isn’t food the most important thing to spend your money on?
4. Three days worth of groceries
That will be even better than one meal!
5. A monthly tanning package
If you can’t tone it, tan it.
6. You could get a Harry Potter Trivial puzzle
S/o to all my Harry Potter Fans!!
7. How a bout build a robot
No seriously check it out here
8. A variety of personalized photo gifts from Shutterfly for your grandma
Is there anything your grandmother would appreciate more for the holidays?
9. A tank of gas
That will literally get your farther than walking.
10. Get you a Dragon Tablet
Its hot like fire...get it? (your supposed to laugh)
11. Generic Plan B One-Step
The gift that keeps on giving…
12. Your co-pay at the doctor’s office
Don’t you think this is more beneficial for your health?
13. Your utility bill
Sometimes $40 can be the difference between having electricity or not.
14. Some new lingerie
Your boyfriend will find these a lot more attractive than your sweatpants.
15. A silicone case
Because if you don’t have a case, there’s no point in even owning the phone.
16. Concert tickets or a trip to the movies for two
17. 17 trips on New York’s glamorous subway system
That will get you a lot farther than cab fare would.
18. Invest in a Stock Options Contract
And make more then your weekly pay in one day
No seriously.... check it out here
19. Gear One G100DX Isolation Headphones
Everyone needs a solid pair of headphones, which brings us to…
20. A monthly gym membership anywhere that is not Equinox
…Or Crunch. Or NYSC.
21. A spiralizer
Because turning your vegetables into pasta is sooooo much fun
22. A 2 designer t shirt
You gotta spoil yourself sometimes
23. A bottle of Crown Royale on sale
Because drinking your calories is so much more fun than burning them.
24. Entrance to an underground strip club
Because watching other people take their clothes off is better than you taking your clothes off.
25. Three large Domino’s pizzas
Money spent on pizza is always money well spent.
26. A piercing
Because you can never really have enough of those.
27. A Brazilian wax
Hopefully this won't hurt that much.
28. A manicure/pedicure with an extra 10 minute massage
The massage always make it worth it.
29. Four months worth of a Spotify subscription
Are you not entertained?!
30. A pair of Quay sunglasses
Everyone needs a good pair of these.
31. A used Nook or Kindle
Because it’s just as important to exercise your mind.
32. Two Snuggies
For when you want to be comfortable when you skip the gym
33. A new bowl
It’s so much better than cleaning your current one.
34. Clinque Moisturizer
Male or female — everyone needs this.
35. A starter pack of dtox tea.
36. A haircut
You need to work on beauty from top to bottom.
37. A new cheap watch
hey you gotta tell time don't yah
38. Pinkberry for a week straight
Calories don’t count if they come in the form of frozen yogurt.
39. A used coffee maker.... You gotta make sure you wake up for work right?
The best one is number 40
40. A Motor Club Membership to MCA
With 100 mile unlimited usage towing
And opportunity to make $80 on every person you refer.
So you can have safety and financial freedom at the same time
This is better then anything everything you thought you should buy with $40
Get started today!!
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